[STEM-Announce] LCBB - Kids Series - Parallel Programming w/Pictures (Ages 11-14) @Virginia Tech Blacksburg

Weeks, Thomas t.weeks at vt.edu
Fri Aug 4 10:16:54 UTC 2017

LCBB - Kids Series - Parallel Programming w/Pictures (Ages 11-14)
WHEN: Mon, August 7, 6pm – 9pm
WHERE: Torgersen Hall (Virginia Tech) rm#1100, Blacksburg VA 24060
RSVP $5 (includes pizza & drinks)
Instructor: Dr. Wu Feng, the Director SyNeRGy Laboratory at Virginia Tech

At this three hour, hands on programming kids workshop is going to use a programming interface called Snap! to program the various microprocessor brains in their laptops so they will work together at the same time to control graphics, games and more! (rather than serially, i.e., one brain at a time) on programs they write by simple dragging and dropping code.

If you have never done coding, that's fine. Some join us and learn the basics. If you like game programming or have ever used Scratch, you should definitely come take this workshop with us. Parallel programming with Snap takes the idea of graphical programming (as with Scratch) to the next level!

The program is designed for ages 11-14, but older kids are welcome too.

All participants MUST RSVP (link below) and bring a web and javascript-browser enabled laptop.


Note: Attendees under 16 must have parental supervision. No under the age of 16drop offs!

To RSVP and sign-up for the program, visit: 

For more information about Let's Code Blacksburg, visit: 

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